Final Showcase - 2023

👋 Hi, I’m Keanu- a Cog Sci Design & Interaction Major at UC San Diego


A1 - Assignment 1: Logo Design


Lithic is a imaginary company I designed that produces MIDI devices for live shows. The goal was to encapsulate the mystery and strength of the monolith from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. The logo is a representation of two MIDI boards side by side, big and small, to represent a strong letter L.

I decided to finally turn inwards and create a brand for myself as a designer. Utilizing my initials and my bold take on things I went for a filled in uppercase representation. There were initially many attempts, I knew I wanted to use a K at least. I settled on a version with rounded corners, going for a futuristic look, inspired by Skrillex’s redesigned mark and KIA’s new logo.

kn cover portfolio.png

kn inspo.png


kn website.png

A2 - Assignment 2: Intro to UI Design